
Svemin's new chairman about the future

  • 2020-05-08
  • 19:53
  • News

Mikael Staffas, CEO Boliden and new chairman of Svemin – the industry organization for mines, mineral and metal producers.

Most powerful in the Swedish mining sector, how does it feel?

– I wouldn’t describe myself that way at all. It’s in the operations that the most important work is done and this is also where decisions are to be made. A high degree of delegation in organizations has, as I see it, been one of the most important success factors for the entire Nordic mining cluster.

How will the industry notice that you have taken over the Chairman’s gavel?

– It’s important in general to build on what you have rather than wish for everything to be different. Our industry is extremely important for many local communities as well as for the country as a whole. In addition, the industry also has a key role in the climate change adaptation, which I hope and believe will become increasingly known to the public. I also chair the European trade organization Eurometaux and see opportunities in a more coordinated way to contribute to the political processes in the EU.

How would you say that your leadership style and approach differ from your predecessor, Jan Moström, CEO of LKAB?

– We are, of course, different as individuals, but basically, we both have an extremely strong commitment to the mining industry in Sweden and in other countries. I would think that the general view of us will revolve around similarities rather than differences.

What is the industry’s most important issue right now, and how do you think it should be pushed forward?

– It is the question of what the environmental permit processes for the mining industry should really look like, and things are starting to be in a hurry. The mining industry has a long and proud history, but we cannot live on old merits for any length of time. We are totally dependent on the state processes working, which they do not do today. Here, there must be a quick and real political responsibility.

It is impossible not to mention the corona virus; what are the most important priorities now in the future to secure that mining nation Sweden?

– Above all, of course, it is about offering safe and healthy workplaces even in these times. It is also important that production proceeds as normally as possible. We are in a socially important industry and we will experience both the booms and the recessions. Of course, if we are to handle these, our framework conditions cannot differ too much from those of competitors in other parts of the world.

We round off with the classic question: what do you want most of all right now?

– That we as an industry become completely accident-free. Our industry already offers the safest jobs in the Swedish industry today, but we must continue to strive for the zero goal.