Position document - Indigenous People and Mineral Extraction

Position document – Indigenous People and Mineral Extraction

Svemin has produced a position document on indigenous people and the mineral industry, which was adopted by the Board in November 2019. The position document is intended to clarify the mining industry’s position on these issues and is based on the premise that:

  • a large proportion of Sweden’s known and potential mineral deposits are located in the area covered by reindeer husbandry rights according to the Reindeer Husbandry Act
  • access to land is crucial for both mining and reindeer husbandry

The position document clarifies that the mining industry would like to achieve mutual knowledge building, about both mining and reindeer husbandry, to create conditions for an objective, good and respectful dialogue and lay the foundation for long-term conduct of reindeer husbandry and mining side by side.

In the position document, we explain how the industry view Sami rights linked to land use and we also describe our interpretation of the principle of FPIC.

You can download the document below.